Merida, Mexico: 15 Best Things to Do and See

Merida, hlavní město mexického poloostrova Yucatán, rozhodně má turistům co nabídnout. Plánujete návštěvu Meridy? Doufáme, že vás náš průvodce po Meridě inspiruje a pomůže v plánování.

Are you going to Mexico for an extended period of time? Check out our 2-3 week itinerary , during which you will visit everything essential in Yucatan.

Merida, the vibrant capital of Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula, offers an abundance of experiences for travelers seeking history, culture, and natural beauty. Planning a visit? Our Merida guide will inspire you and help make the most of your journey.

Spending a longer time in Mexico? Check out our detailed 2-3 week itinerary, featuring all the essential Yucatán highlights, so you don’t miss a thing!

Merida, the capital of Yucatán

Merida was named the North American Capital of Culture in both 2000 and 2017 for a reason. Here, Mexican and Mayan heritage is everywhere you look, woven into the city’s architecture, traditions, and daily life. Unlike purely tourist-driven spots like Tulum or Cancun, Merida offers an authentic cultural experience at a fraction of the cost.

In the city center, there’s always something to see—from lively festivals and traditional dance performances to reenactments of the ancient Mayan ball game, Tlachtli, and stunning light shows projected onto colonial buildings.

Merida’s welcoming spirit shines through its people. Known for their warm smiles and upbeat attitude, locals and tourists alike enjoy the city’s affordable charms, creating a friendly, vibrant atmosphere that makes Merida feel truly special.

Best Hotels in Merida

Accommodation in Merida is quite affordable, making it easy to stay right in the heart of the city. We recommend these neighborhoods:

Both are within walking distance of the city’s main attractions, with Merida Centro being the most centrally located.

For a great stay, consider Hotel Santa María Mérida. This highly-rated hotel is just a short walk from the center, and you can often find discounts on Another excellent choice is Hotel Boutique Casa Garza, also centrally located, offering a delicious breakfast and options for hostel-style rooms.

Hotel Santa María Mérida
Hotel Santa María Mérida

TIP: If you don’t want to go out on your own, look for tours. OnSendingsthey have a wide selection.

15 Best Things to Do and See in Merida

The best way to immerse yourself in Merida’s vibrant atmosphere is by strolling through its historic center.

Centro Historico (historické centrum)

Historické centrum mexického města Merida

Plaza Grande

At the heart of the city lies Plaza Grande, featuring the iconic white stone benches and a colorful „Merida“ sign, a hallmark of major cities across Yucatán.

Plaza Grande is also home to five public buildings, each offering fantastic views of the area—and entry to all of them is free. Some even provide the added comfort of air conditioning!

Plaza Grande v mexické Meridě
Výhled z balkónu Palacio Municipal

Most of the buildings we’ll mention have armed guards at the entrance. Don’t be alarmed—just walk past them as usual. If you’re uncertain, feel free to ask if you can enter; they’ll typically welcome you in. Here are some buildings you can explore:

  • Palacio Municipal (with a lovely view from the balcony on the second floor)
  • Catedral de San Ildefonso
  • Casa de Montejo (a museum showcasing Victorian-style architecture)
  • Museo Fernando García Ponce-Macay (featuring a collection of contemporary art)
  • Government Palace
Informace k veřejným budovám na Plaza Grande
  • Vstupné: Zdarma
  • Otevírací doba: dopoledne až do 19:00
  • Poloha: náměstí Plaza Grande

Parque de Santa Lucia

North of Plaza Grande lies Parque de Santa Lucia, which transforms into a lively sea of tables and chairs in the evening, set up by nearby restaurants.

While the park and square are among the most touristy spots in Merida, we suggest wandering the surrounding streets and exploring nearby parks like Parque de Santa Ana, Parque de Santiago, and Parque de San Juan for a more local experience.

Komentovaná procházka Meridou

Every morning, a local group of guides offers a free walking tour of the historic center. It’s a fantastic way to learn about Merida’s rich history and get acquainted with the city’s layout.

Whether you’re in town for a day or a longer stay, starting with one of these tours is highly recommended.

Procházky po Meridě

Paseo Montejo promenade

Have you ever strolled down the Champs-Élysées in Paris? Merida’s Paseo de Montejo promenade offers a similar experience, originally built by colonists during the city’s golden age.

Lining the promenade are opulent villas and haciendas that have retained their original charm. While many now house businesses, some are still occupied by descendants of the original owners.

As you walk along this boulevard, you’ll find quaint cafes and intriguing museums, including the Museo de Montes Molina, which offers a glimpse into the life of one of Merida’s founders.

Stretching 8 kilometers, Paseo de Montejo can get quite hot later in the day. We recommend focusing on the most captivating section (1.5 km, from the Monumento de Montejo to the Monument to the Fatherland) and using a bus or Uber for the rest. For a romantic experience, consider renting a horse-drawn carriage at the beginning of the promenade.

Paseo de Montejo
Paseo de Montejo

Casas Gemelas

The Casas Gemelas, two iconic buildings in Mérida, were constructed between 1906 and 1911 in a refined French style for the prominent Zavala family, members of the local social elite.

Designed by the renowned French architect Gustave Umbdenstock, famous for his contributions to railway architecture, these houses showcase architectural elegance. Today, one of the Casas Gemelas functions as a museum, known as Montejo 495. Together, these twin houses are celebrated as symbols of Mérida, especially along the Paseo de Montejo.

Other notable architectural gems in the area include Casa Peón de Regil, Casa Vales, and Casa del Minaret.

Palacio Canton

The Palacio Canton, also known as the Museo Regional de Antropología de Yucatán, stands as one of Mérida’s most significant landmarks. Built in the early 20th century, this impressive palace exemplifies the opulent architectural style favored by Yucatán’s elite during that era.

Originally constructed as a residence for General Francisco Cantón Rosado, a prominent political figure, the palace now serves as a museum, preserving the rich cultural and historical heritage of the region.

Palacio Canton Merida
Canton Palace Merida

Gran Museo de Mundo

If you’re as fascinated by Mayan civilization as we are, a visit to this museum is a must. Here, you’ll discover over a thousand Mayan artifacts spanning the entire history of the civilization in Yucatán.

If possible, plan to visit some of the Mayan pyramids after the museum. The background you gain here on Mayan history makes exploring the ruins even more rewarding. History enthusiasts will likely want to spend several hours exploring the exhibits.

Located about a 20-minute drive from downtown Mérida, we recommend taking an Uber, as in most large Mexican cities. The ride will cost around 80-100 pesos (approximately 120 CZK).

Gran Museo del Mundo Maya
Gran Museo del Mundo Maya
Informace k muzeu Museo de Mundo Maya
  • Otevírací doba: 8:00 – 17:00, kromě úterý (zavřeno)
  • Vstupné: 150 pesos (180 Kč)
  • Poloha: Calle 60 299 E, nepřehlédnutelné, muzeum vypadá jako ptačí hnízdo
  • Web: Oficiální web muzea ve španělštině

Návštěva trhu Lucas de Galvez

Lucas de Galvez is Mérida’s largest all-day market, offering everything from fresh produce to artisanal goods, clothing, and even hiking gear.

The market has been operating in this spot since the 18th century, and you can feel the history in its bustling, maze-like layout, where locals weave through with bags full of cactus, limes, and other goods.

If you visit, make sure to stay for lunch. There’s no better way to soak up the local atmosphere than by grabbing a bite from a small stall in the heart of the market and watching the lively crowds go by.

Informace k trhu Lucas de Galvez v Meridě
  • Otevírací doba: Každý trhovec to má jinak, obecně ale 7:00 – 17:00
  • Cenová hladina: Férové mexické ceny, trh je spíše pro místní, než pro turisty
  • Poloha: Centrum Meridy, na křižovatce ulic 56 a 65

Casa Azul

Casa Azul, a beautifully preserved historic building with a lush tropical garden, has been transformed into a luxury hotel. Visitors are welcome to take a peek inside!

Casa Azul Mérida
Casa Azul Mérida

Zažijte festival

Mérida hosts dozens of festivals and smaller celebrations throughout the year, so it’s rare not to encounter a lively performance or light show in the streets come evening.

In the main square, you can catch nightly folkloric dance performances, where local children aged six to eighteen showcase traditional dances.

In January, Mérida Fest kicks off with a stunning fireworks display from Plaza Grande and lasts a full three weeks. In both January and March, carnival parades take over the streets; April brings Easter celebrations with parades and symbolic crosses; and in November, El Día de Muertos, or the Day of the Dead, is a must-see.

Christmas in Mérida is also a unique experience. Even with the warm weather, locals embrace the festive spirit, decorating trees and filling the town with holiday cheer. Picture walking through town on a sunny day with pickup trucks passing by, each one carrying a beautifully decorated Christmas tree in the back!

Informace k festivalům v Meridě
  • Cena: Většina festivalů je zdarma
  • Poloha: Po celém městě, hlavní události v centru
  • Kalendář: Tady najdete všechny akce, které by vás mohly zajímat

Zažijte hru Tlachtli

Though we couldn’t catch the Mayan ball game ourselves, it’s a must-see! Every Saturday evening in the main square, you can watch Tlachtli, the ancient ball game that held deep religious significance for the Maya.

In the original tradition, this game was a ritual, not just entertainment, with the losing team—or at least the captain—offered as a sacrifice to the gods. Thankfully, today’s version skips the sacrifices and is simply a thrilling spectacle. Players aim to pass the ball through a hoop without using their hands or feet.

Based on social media tips, we suggest arriving at least 20 minutes early to get a good spot, as it can get quite crowded!

Informace o představení Tlachtli
  • Kdy: Každou sobotu 20:30 – 21:30
  • Vstupné: Zdarma
  • Poloha: U katedrály na Plaza Grande

Celodenní výlet do rybářského města Progreso

Just a fifty-minute bus ride north of Mérida lies the tranquil fishing town of Progreso, where you can unwind on its wide, sandy beach.

Rybářské městečko Progreso
Progreso – rybářské městečko u Meridy

While the water in Progreso may not be as crystal-clear as along the Mayan Riviera, the sand here is white and incredibly soft. The area is often breezy, which keeps it comfortable, and amenities like deck chairs, umbrellas, and drinks are available at a fraction of the cost of more tourist-heavy beaches.

Progreso is especially appealing for seafood lovers and those who enjoy peaceful beach walks. A day here, listening to the gentle sounds of the sea, is the perfect escape after the lively energy of Mérida.

Navštivte ruiny mayského města Uxmal

Merida’s central location makes it an ideal base for day trips throughout the region. One of our top recommendations is a visit to the Mayan city of Uxmal, one of the most significant and best-preserved Mayan sites in Mexico.

Explore the fascinating Mayan ruins of Yucatán.

The city reached its peak in the late 10th century AD, supporting a thriving population of about 25,000. Its strategic location allowed it to benefit from nearby natural water reservoirs that filled during the rainy season, providing a reliable water source for its residents.

Ruiny Uxmal u Meridy
Obří Pyramida kouzelníka u Meridy

Tips and tricks for traveling in the Yucatan

What to pack

Take a look at our travel packing guide to get ready for your trip! Find the perfect travel backpack, discover essential travel gadgets, and make sure you don’t leave anything important behind.

Where to get tickets

For affordable flights, we recommend using Kiwi, our preferred platform. Additionally, our guide on securing cheap flights offers valuable tips to help you save on airfare.

Car rental

We regularly use to compare car rental options and find the best provider for our needs.

Accommodation reservation

We frequently use as our primary hotel search engine. To ensure we find the best deals, we also compare hotel options with local apartments and rooms available on Airbnb. By signing up through our referral link, you can receive a discount on your first Airbnb booking. For more tips on finding affordable accommodations, check out our guide on securing cheap lodging.

Don’t forget insurance

Travel insurance is essential for any trip. For shorter journeys, we recommend AXA (50% discount), which often offers discounts. For extended travels, the British insurer True Traveller provides comprehensive coverage tailored for longer trips. To find the best option for your needs, consider comparing various insurance providers to ensure you select the most suitable policy.

Tipy a triky pro vaší dovolenou

Nepřeplácejte za letenky

Letenky hledejte na Kayaku. Je to náš nejoblíbenější vyhledávač, protože prohledává webové stránky všech leteckých společností a vždy najde to nejlevnější spojení.

Rezervujte si ubytování chytře

Nejlepší zkušenosti při vyhledávání ubytování (od Aljašky až po Maroko) máme s, kde bývají hotely, apartmány i celé domy nejlevnější a v nejširší nabídce.

Nezapomeňte na cestovní pojištění

Kvalitní cestovní pojištění vás ochrání před nemocí, úrazem, krádeží nebo stornem letenek. Pár návštěv nemocnic jsme v zahraničí už absolvovali, takže víme, jak se hodí mít sjednané pořádné pojištění.

Kde se pojišťujeme my: SafetyWing (nejlepší pro všechny) a TrueTraveller (na extra dlouhé cesty).

Proč nedoporučujeme nějakou českou pojišťovnu? Protože mají dost omezení. Mají limity na počet dnů v zahraničí, v případě cestovka u kreditní karty po vás chtějí platit zdravotní výdaje pouze danou kreditní kartou a často limitují počet návratů do ČR.

Najděte ty nejlepší zážitky

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Severní AmerikaMexikoMerida, Mexico: 15 Best Things to Do and See

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Lukáš Konečný
Lukáš Konečný
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