25 Tips and Tricks for a Successful Instagram in 2023

Would you like to start making money on Instagram, become an influencer or use Instagram to promote your business? We have compiled tips and tricks for you based on personal experience, recent studies and professional publications. Let’s do it.

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What is Instagram and why does everyone want to be on it?

More and more companies want to be visible on social media, and today’s young generation can no longer imagine life without it. Instagram is one of the fastest growing social networks, the second most downloaded app on the Apple Store and the tenth most searched word on Google.

According to the study. Hootsuite 63% of Instagram users open the app every day and spend an average of 28 minutes a day there. 500 million people use Instagram Stories daily. It’s no wonder more and more brands are turning to Instagram and the phenomenon of the so-called “Instagram” is growing. Influencer Marketing, even though average engagement on Instagram has dropped from 3% to 2% in the past year .

Is it hard to succeed on Instagram?

Leoš Mareš has one of the most followed Czech Instagrams, source: Instagram
Leoš Mareš has one of the most followed Czech Instagrams, source: Instagram

According to surveys, up to 95% of people looking for success on Instagram fail. What are the most common reasons for failure?

  1. They have no idea what to do on social media and just try. They have no plan
  2. They have no patience and think the bill will grow in a few weeks
  3. They are trying to find a “shortcut” and buy fake likes and fake followers
  4. They’re dealing with a subject to which they have no relation
  5. They are trying to apply tactics from abroad that don’t work in the Czech Republic and will never work in the Czech Republic

How much does it cost to be successful on Instagram?

Unlike Facebook, Instagram can still be built without having to put money into advertising at all costs. But the biggest investment will be your time. And a lot of time. If you’re serious about Instagram, count on the fact that there are no shortcuts and you’ll have to dedicate that time to the app. Companies should therefore not be afraid to invest in a quality manager or promotion of Instagram posts, even a very low budget can help you grow the platform and build your brand faster.

Which profiles work best on Instagram?

Sjana Elise Earp is one of the most followed people on Instagram in the fitness industry, source.
Sjana Elise Earp is one of the most followed people on Instagram in the fitness industry, source.

It’s a known fact that fitness guys generally get fewer followers and fewer likes than fitness girls, so you should… No, you should never think like that. You should never choose your focus based on what is most profitable, but on what you really enjoy. If you manage an account whose topic you have no interest in, you can’t count on success. Keep this in mind when choosing a social media manager, for example.

The only thing that is important in choosing your focus is this: Pick one and stick with it.

Not every business belongs on Instagram

Instagram is the talk of all marketing conferences, but that doesn’t mean your business has to have it. If your target audience is aged 40+, you should probably consider other promotion channels, 71% of Instagram users are under 35. It won’t be the best promotional channel for B2B oriented companies either.

Not all products have a target audience on Instagram, source.
Not all products have a target audience on Instagram, source.

30-point checklist for a successful Instagram download

The article may make you feel like it’s a lot to take in. We understand! We have therefore prepared a 30-point checklist in Google Docs and Excel where you can tick off individual tasks in these areas (it is also available for purchase at the end of the article):

  • User profile settings
  • Preparation of a publication plan
  • Before the first post
  • Check-list per post
  • Check-list of daily tasks
  • Check-list of weekly tasks
  • Check-list of monthly tasks.

How to create a successful Instagram profile that captures attention

It doesn’t have to be love at first sight, but you have to impress. Your profile is your business card, so you should take great care to optimise your profile. What should you focus on?

  • Username
  • Name
  • Profile photo
  • Bio (description about you)
  • Link

1) How to choose a username

Most of you probably already have a name you want to stick with. But if you’re just getting started with Instagram or want to set up a profile for your business, here are two tips:

Think of a catchy name

It’s similar to coming up with a website name or brand, you want something that people will remember and ideally you want to associate it with what you do. For example, when you see @dnescestujem, you immediately realize that it is a travel profile. The problem arises if you want to change your focus after years, like Cestology, which recently decided that it no longer wants to be Cestology, but Christopher Paleta. Connections to a specific place are also problematic, I can think of @Terezainoslo, who is now in Prague.

Your real name

A far easier option is your real name if your profile is about you or is corporate. If your name isn’t too long or busy, there’s no reason not to choose it.

What everyone is interested in

I think it’s time for me to post somewhere why I’m on Instagram as Endijka. Often people think I’m Andrea because, how did Lucia become Endijka? I’ve been using that nickname for over 15 years and it started in World of Warcraft. I have it on all my social media, and while it’s confusing and I don’t recommend anyone make up a completely different name, I’m sticking with it.

2) What name to choose on Instagram

Jakub Jeřábek made great use of the name to increase traceability by adding "Coach Teplice" after the name
Jakub Jeřábek made great use of the name to increase traceability by adding “Coach Teplice” after the name

And that’s a tough one – coming up with a name? I’ll put my name there and that’s it, right? This is how the average Instagram user thinks, but you should go further. Instagram gives you quite a bit of space for your name, and you can use that to your advantage.

If you are a fitness trainer, write Fitness trainer Tomáš Novák. What good is that gonna do you? If someone searches for a fitness trainer on Instagram, you increase the chances of them finding you.

3) How do I choose a profile photo?

Companies have it easy, here you choose a logo to instill it in people’s memory. But if your brand is associated with you, you need to do some thinking. Instagram is all about the visuals, so approach it that way.

Your profile photo should say a cheerful “hello” and be pleasing to other users at first glance. According to the study. Photofeeler a brighter photo, a wide American smile, and if your focus allows, formal attire is more flattering, according to studies. You shouldn’t be too far away in the photo to be recognizable even on smaller phones.

Don’t forget that you shouldn’t change your profile photo too much, people will remember what you have and it makes it easier to quickly identify yourself in Stories for example.

Just try it, can you remember the profile pictures of your favourite Instagram accounts? If you change your profile picture, this can also lead to a short-term drop in views. Remember that it is advisable to use the same one on all social networks.

4) Bio – What must not be missing in the description?

Use every letter of the 150 that Instagram allows. The goal is to explain who you are, what you do, why they should follow you. Quotes are great, but the most people will get out of them is that you like Churchill.

My Instagram profile 🙂 You can follow me here
My Instagram profile 🙂 You can follow me here

Rather, use the caption to entice people to click through to your blog or e-shop.

So my description is:

Traveler, 👰🏼🤵🏼@lukaskonecny and dog mom @karelcockapoo
💻Online marketing and blogger
I write about how much travel costs and how to make money online 👇🏻

From this you should understand that my profile will be a lot about travelling with my husband and our dog Karl. You will also find out that I am an online marketer and blogger. At the same time, there is an invitation to click on the link below that leads to our articles.

If your main goal is to get users to your site, your product or your project, invite them to click. For example, just write “Listen to my podcast” or “Download the free ebook How to make money for free” or “Read an article about zero waste”. Studies have confirmed many times that these call-to-action words like “Listen”, “Download”, “Look” or “Read ” really work. So why not take advantage of it?

Tip: Before you start writing your bio, check out profiles of your competitors or your inspiration in the same industry.

How to create content that people enjoy

What to publish, what to write about and how to get people to read it. In this section, we’ll look at some tips on how to do this.

5) Be consistent

Much has already been written about the matched “feed”. If you don’t know what a feed is: That’s what Instagram calls the archive of posted photos you see when you open your profile. The user should know at a glance what your profile is about. “But if I’m into all sorts of things!” I’ve heard this response hundreds of times in training. And I always give the same answer:

It’s really important to stick to one theme. If you travel, people look to you for inspiration around travel and don’t want to read a recipe for a cake. You better put it in Stories. It’s the same as with a blog (although here it’s more for SEO), there’s no point in making a blog where you write about travel, marketing, fashion and throw in a recipe here and there!

The profile should be unified not only in terms of theme, but also visually consistent. Most marketers and influencers use Lightroom ( how to use Lightroom ), but you can use other apps or edit directly in Instagram (choose one filter and stick to it). A great course on Lightroom can be found on Kurzeo.cz, my review can be found here.

What not to do:

There are “artists” who run their photos through 20 apps. You’d better take a course on Lightroom or buy presets from bloggers (preset filters) because Lightroom really can handle everything you need. Editing one photo with 20 filters in different apps is a waste of time.

Tip: In Preview or Buffer, you can upload the photos you plan to publish and see how they fit together.

6) What photos to publish?

Don’t post photos and videos that you are not absolutely happy with. If you don’t have good quality visuals, don’t contribute. The optimal photo size for Instagram is 1080 x 1350 pixels (portrait). Of course, you can stick to the classic square format, which also works. What I don’t recommend for marketers and brands are landscape formats, as they take up much less screen space and are less likely to engage.

Photos should match at first glance, source Instagram @ochutnejorech
Photos should match at first glance, source Instagram @ochutnejorech

What to look out for in a photo

  • To keep it sharp
  • It was understandable to users
  • Relevant to your focus

Please note: High quality content doesn’t always mean you have to shoot on a DSLR, everything has to be perfectly arranged and edited in Lightroom. Your feed can consist of snapshots. But I don’t recommend posting a cold product photo one day, reposting a photo from another user the next day, taking a behind-the-scenes snapshot the third day, and posting a photo from a professional photographer the fourth day. Do not forget to be united and not to be, as the Czech saying goes, “every dog a different village”.

7) What colours work best!?

Repeated studies confirm that photos where blue is the dominant colour perform 24% better than photos where red or yellow is the dominant colour. After all, no wonder blue is the most popular colour in the world. Similarly, light-coloured photos are 24% more successful than photos that are dark.

8) Photo, gallery or video: Which type of post works best?

The latest study by Social Insider shows that photo galleries get the best engagement, between 1.65% and 5.13% depending on account size. It achieves 0.25% – 0.51% higher engagement than videos and single photos. These had the worst engagement rates in this study. What applies to others may not apply to you. In the end, it’s always about the quality of the content.

9) How and what to post on Instagram

If you want to be successful on social media, you’re going to have to be a bit of a copywriter. Emotions and wit are the rule on social networks – especially in the Czech Republic, we can’t do without jokes. Write and publish only when you have something to say. Or you’d better shut up.

What should I write about?

Try to anticipate what people might be interested in, save the questions they write to you and help them with the issues that are bothering them. If you’re doing Instagram for a business, have the questions that come in chat and in the mail, store them. These are the best resources to write social media posts and company blog posts. Be interested in what your customers or followers are concerned about and talk to them.

Where to find inspiration?

  • Inquiries from customers, followers (email, chat, direct messages)
  • Discussion forums about the topic you are writing about
  • Interest groups on FB
  • Blogs about the topic
  • Competition
  • Reviews
Write about what people are currently interested in, feed my Instagram @endijka
Write about what people are currently interested in, feed my Instagram @endijka

Tips for aspiring influencers

  • Read what other influencers in your field write, what works and what doesn’t
  • Don’t copy, but be inspired
  • Be honest and authentic

If you want to improve your braids, I recommend downloading three e-books from the God of all copywriters in the country. Okay, I don’t know if Ottu Bohus is a copywriting god, but his e-books are great, practical and you can read them in no time. And most importantly – they’re FREE.

10) How long should the labels be?

You’ve probably noticed that many Czech influencers specialize in captions that are more like styles. These can work great – if you have something to say. But as studies show, less can be more. This is especially true for corporate profiles.

The best performing posts, according to a Social Insider study last year, were less than 10 words. However, this is an international study and the posts are in English, so take this information with a grain of salt. Something different may work for each profile. So rather than counting words, spend your time writing quality and valuable posts that people will enjoy. And experiment.

11) Why and how to use hashtags?

Instagram uses hashtags (crosses before a word, such as #travel, #vacation, etc.) to categorise posts. That’s why when you search for #sunset or #sunset, you get photos of users with sunsets. If you add this hashtag to your photo, users can use it to find your photo.

In addition, people can now “follow” hashtags, so it’s possible that by choosing the right hashtags, your photos can appear to users directly in their feed (the main board where photos from users you follow appear).

If you’re new to hashtags, you should know that they can’t be made with periods (.), symbols (!?) or spaces. Conversely, they may contain smileys.

Hashtags can be the key to not only getting your first followers, but also the so-called “hashtags”. “power likes” (more below) and you’ve been noticed by more influential accounts. Choosing the right hashtags is therefore crucial.

Tip: Whenever we develop a strategy for a client, we also work on relevant hashtags, which is why we’ve already managed to reach an astonishing 10,000 views with the first posts on a brand new account.

How to write a # hashtag? On Windows and Macbook

The easiest way is to use the right Alt key, or Alt Gr . Alt can be found to the right of the spacebar button. Press and hold it, and press the X key while you do so.

On a Macbook, the #hashtag is written by holding down the right option key and pressing the number three.

12) How to choose hashtags?

Some hashtags are so popular that you can find millions of photos under them, for example, users have already posted 467,757,079 posts under #travel. Therefore, it is not worth using such a hashtag at all, because photos are added there so quickly that your post will get stuck.

There’s no point in making up your own hashtags like #jdurybarit, which you won’t find a single post under. People don’t use or follow that hashtag.

For starters, I recommend choosing hashtags that have 10-100 thousand photos.

How to search for relevant hashtags?

There are various tools for this, but ultimately the best one is already on your mobile phone. Put a hashtag with your focus (in Czech) in your instagram search. If you are into travel, it will be “travel”. Instagram will show you similar hashtags “related hashtags”, and like this, go through the various hashtags one by one until you’ve collected 9-15 hashtags.

Use the whisperer directly from Instagram
Use the whisperer directly from Instagram

For hashtags, don’t just look at the number of posts posted, but also what posts are posted underneath them. They should be consistent with the content you publish or plan to publish.

13) How many hashtags to put under a post?

Instagram allows you to use 30 hashtags, but how many is best for marketers to use is a matter of debate. It’s true that hashtags help your organic (unpaid) reach, and they can make you discoverable to other users.

But some claim the 30 hashtags look “spammy” and link to studies that have confirmed that too many hashtags can reduce engagement. The most common “safe” number they talk about is 11 hashtags, but some say you can use 2-8 hashtags in the caption and another 4-5 in the comment.

I recommend testing and testing and eventually you will see what works best for you.

Tip: It doesn’t matter if you put hashtags directly in the photo caption or as a comment under your photo.

14) What to do with emoticons or why use emojis

To use or not to use emojis? Although studies vary on how much using emojis increases engagement, the conclusion is always the same: Use them. And the more the better. According to the latest data from Social Insider, posts with 25 emojis perform best. Honestly, I don’t know if I’ve ever managed to get that many smileys in one post, or if I’ve ever seen a post with that many smileys.

An older study from quintly in 2017 claims it can increase engagement by up to 15%, a more recent study from Social Insider in the second half of 2019 showed that photos with emojis in the caption have 26% higher engagement on average, and the difference is even more dramatic for videos. Videos with emojis in the description have 70% higher engagement than videos without emojis. Despite this, 50% of users don’t use emojis, so why not include them?

15) English or Czech – or why do so many people make the mistake?

“I wrote my first post in Czech and it got the best response ever,” my friend reported to me, and I wondered if she had been listening to me for the last three years. I write in English, something in Spanish, occasionally cut a quote in French, and when I want to swear, I write it in Czech.

Let’s get this straight: Writing in English when most of your followers are from the Czech Republic is stupid. Yeah, it’s stupid, even if you’re currently living in NZ or Canada and your five friends from work who don’t understand Czech have started following you on Instagram.

“But the Czechs speak English!” or “My friends speak English”. I don’t want to disillusion you, but many people have tested this theory, and in the end they always found that writing in Czech is more profitable.

Yes, some influencers write in English and then in Czech. But..:

  1. They’re in a different situation than you
  2. How do you know that their followers wouldn’t grow faster if they wrote in Czech?

16) Insta Stories and Instagram Reels

Insta Stories, or stories that disappear on Instagram within 24 hours. This is a feature that has spread to most social networks from Snapchat and is most successful on Instagram in the Czech Republic. The quality of your Stories can determine whether people will follow you in the long run.

Unfold - app for creating stories
Unfold – app for creating stories

With 500 million users using storiesky (as we sometimes familiarly call them) every day, they are becoming increasingly important to influencers and brands.

For creating Stories, I recommend the mobile app Unfold or Mojo, where you can create stylish-looking Stories in no time.

People love to play and Instagram knows this, which is why it’s adding more and more gamification elements. You can add polls, votes and even a countdown to stories. You can easily add music to the background, write or paint something there. Great article about 18 (hidden) features and tips for Instagram Stories Diana Zadakova has on her blog.

Tip: You can now add polls to Insta Stories ads, and the first stats show a tens of percent increase in conversions

What are Instagram Reels and why create them?

The Instagram Reels format was first launched for users in Brazil (where there was a 4.3% increase in Instagram usage) as well, and is a short video format that Instagram is using to combat its competitor TikTok. This is one of the reasons why Instagram currently supports Reels more than other types of content. Initially, the range was only 15 seconds, then it was increased to 30 seconds and eventually to 60 seconds, and in May, Instagram started testing 90-second Reels with select users. Organically, you can achieve a much higher reach with them than with any other format on Instagram

Reels videos have a maximum size of 4GB and a maximum length of 60 seconds (unless you’re one of the select group of people for whom Instagram is testing a longer format).

9 out of 10 Instagram users watch videos weekly and 50% of users use Explore monthly. Reels has become the fastest growing format in the world.

Instagram Reels also have the highest engagement rate, so it’s worth investing in them.

How to get your first followers

And now we’re finally at the chapter you’ve all been waiting for. If you’ve read this far: thank you. If you just scrolled here, it’s okay. I know, you’re pressed for time. I’m not going to take any more time.

The biggest evil that a successful profile cannot do without is time. Your invested time. All those who will invent some shortcuts, try to find bots, programs and apps to like, follow and “do God knows what” will end up with either a block from Instagram, fake or inactive followers and an Instagram that will be useless. I won’t explain the Instagram algorithm here, but keep in mind what every social network wants: for you to spend time and be active.

17) Follow others

To get your first followers, you need to follow others, to create your own community of people.

Find accounts that have 10,000 or more followers and are thematically similar to your account. Look who gave them the last follow. From these people, choose the people you will follow.

Choose people who have a profile picture of themselves, never follow people without a profile picture, here is according to Brandon Gaile less likely to give you a follow back. There is also reportedly a lower chance for profile pictures with couples.

Before you follow, check out the profile, browse the photos on the account, like them and comment if something catches your eye. It’s a lot of work, but work that will pay off.

Never give follow to more than 20 people at a time. Don’t ever frantically slap a profile picture on one either. Instagram will deem this suspicious and block your account.

Remember, you’ re creating a community of people, you’re not just trying to get someone to click follow. You want to build a relationship with them – a virtual relationship – and that, like real ones, will take some work.

There will come a time when you’ll be watching so many people that you’ll lose your bearings. There’s nothing wrong with unfollowing people who don’t communicate, don’t respond to your posts, and you don’t find inspiration in their posts either. It is not in your power to keep in touch with everyone, and that is fine.

18) Liking – give out hearts

Instagram has long recognised when you use bots to like. Moreover, users are not stupid either. So don’t use apps or bots. Rather, set aside part of your day to go through the posts of those you follow and the posts under relevant posts and highlight what catches your eye.

Avoid frenzied liking, not only can Instagram block your account, but you want users to pause over your post rather than liking it in a frenzied attack on Instagram.

19) Comment and get comments

If you want people to actively start interacting with you and commenting on your posts, you need to invest time and start interacting with them first. Don’t try to compete on how many photos you can comment “Beautiful photo🤗”, read the posts and really respond to what people write.

Again: give it time and energy. Don’t let it happen that you add a comment “This is an amazing place! Wonderful.” Yes, it’s happening. And often. Of course, this is not to say that you should never text people that they took a beautiful photo.

koho sledovat na instagramu

How to get more comments

Be interested in the opinions of your followers. Invite them to tell you what they think or how they feel about it. You’d be amazed how much the right question can increase the number of comments. One of my first most successful posts ended with a question about where they had the most expensive beer and how much it cost.

You can also arrange with friends and employees to comment on your Instagram posts. Please note that comments should be at least four words long.

20) Fake Likes

There are hundreds of apps and websites that offer fake likes from both fake and real users. Simple: Don’t do it. Although it can sometimes be frustrating to build an account from scratch, and buying likes can seem like a quick shortcut to getting more likes on your posts. However, it won’t help you at all, on the contrary, it can hurt you in the long run. If you’re interested in this topic more, you can read this short article .

21) Power likes / Power likes

But what you want to get are the so-called. Power Likes. This means that your post will get likes from accounts that are bigger than you. How does it work?

The more people like your post, the more its reach increases. You’ve probably already noticed that. If you are liked by users with fewer followers and less engagement, your reach will increase just a little. But when big accounts like you, your reach can skyrocket. Really.

It happened to me that an account that normally has 500-1000 likes on a photo got a few power likes and the post got 45k likes within a few hours. Power likes can get you into the “discovery” part of Instagram and into the top hashtag positions as “top posts” in the long run.

But how to get power likes?

  1. Use hashtags created and used by influencers. It’s quite likely that they’re following these hashtags.
  2. If it fits, don’t be afraid to tag big accounts in the comments or captions (when you mention them), there’s a good chance they’ll respond and link to your post
  3. Comment on and like the posts of great accounts, reply to them in Stories – become part of their community
  4. Post at a time when people are online (no point in posting late at night when people go to bed), i.e. between 9:00 and 21:00. If you want to know the best time to publish on your account, check the statistics.

22) Giveaways and competitions

Bag contest on Instagram @bagind_backpack, source: Instagram
Bag contest on Instagram @bagind_backpack, source: Instagram

Giveaways and contests are still popular on Instagram. Giveaway entries used to be about 65x more comments and 3.5x more likes . The statistics are clear: Accounts that run contests and giveaways grow 70% faster than those that don’t.

But how to have a successful contest/giveaway?

The most successful competitions are those that are simple and fun. Don’t try to come up with overly complicated terms and conditions, this can put many people off. Make sure that your contests always comply with Instagram’s rules.

23) Collaboration with influencers / companies

You can see how not to do it on the @svetinfluencer account, screenshot from Instagram
You can see how not to do it on @svetinfluencer’s account, screenshot from Instagram

Collaboration between companies and influencers can bring money to both parties, new followers and higher average engagement. Because I wrote a detailed article for companies, on how to work successfully with influencers , here I’ll only cover the influencer perspective on working with brands.

Even for an influencer, working with a brand can bring a number of benefits beyond money. New followers, connections with other influencers, products for contests and giveaways, prestige.

In the beginning, offers to collaborate can be very tempting, with the thought in your head, “They’re giving me something for free, I’ll take it!” Everyone probably has to go through this. But if you take one collaboration after another, you become less attractive in the eyes of brands and a walking advertisement in the eyes of followers. Don’t take cooperation if:

A) Companies make you cheap labour

That’s what’s happening. The company will offer you things for 10 000 CZK, but in the contract you will get a condition that you will write 8 articles for them, 20-30 photos, list them as a sponsor everywhere and share everything they tell you. Such cooperation certainly makes no sense.

B) The product is completely out of your focus

When a traveller promotes a washing machine, it’s a bit strange, isn’t it?

C) Product/brand you don’t like

There’s nothing worse than promoting a product or brand that you don’t like and doesn’t suit you. Always reserve the right to return a product and not review it, same for services.

24) How to use shoutouts

Shoutouts or mentions of other users and brands are a great way to gain more followers. It’ s common abroad to buy a shoutout from an influencer, but I haven’t come across it here. But you don’t have to do anything like that to get a shoutout.

Set aside a day of the week to share accounts worth following with your followers in stories, it’s only a matter of time before one of those accounts pays you back. Reciprocity works very well on social media.

25) Plan and evaluate

You can’t do Instagram without planning. For personal accounts, I recommend at least using apps like Preview or Buffer (free for one account), where you can schedule posts ahead of time and see how each photo looks next to each other. Anyone who is serious about Instagram should have a publishing plan.

In a company, Instagram shouldn’t be a lonely channel where posts are invented from day to day, but should be a solid part of a marketing strategy with clear and predetermined goals. Posts should be consistent with other online and offline marketing activities, and should match visually and in content.

Tip: How we do it

  1. We develop the company’s marketing strategy into a social media strategy, where we set clear objectives
  2. We will create a thematic plan for each month of the following year
  3. Create subtopics for each week
  4. Contributions are always created 14 days – 1 month in advance (by appointment)


Topic: Almonds
Subtopics of each week:

  1. The Week: almond Benefits
  2. Week: almond milk
  3. This week: almond butter
  4. Week: savoury recipes from almonds
Example of a content plan for January that focused on almonds
Example of the publication plan for January, which focused on almonds


While we want to build a community of followers, the number of followers is not a telling metric for us at all. Is that contradictory? No. You’ve probably heard about the Instagram case with 2 million followers that didn’t even manage to sell 36 t-shirts. We want followers who are genuinely interested in our account, we don’t just want a number that looks good.

Stats of Nicole Stybrova's instagram account from Igblade
Stats of Nicole Stybrova’s instagram account from Igblade

More interesting for us are numbers like engagement (interest) or reach, the number of hashtags used by our company, mentions, the number of saved recipes, purchases via Instagram or discount codes used that were distributed via Instagram. The metrics you are interested in are based on predetermined goals.

If you’re new to stats, the ones offered by Instagram itself will suffice. But you can also find out interesting numbers for free from Taggy.cz, Igblade or Hypeauditor. The biggest experts in reporting is the Czech company Socialbakers.

Promotion on Instagram

You can significantly support the growth of your company account by sponsoring contributions. If you have quality posts, you can reach thousands of people for just a few pennies. On most of the accounts we manage, the price per interest ranges from CZK 0.20 to CZK 1.90.

boosterberg automatizace propagace na fb a insta 2048x1173 1

I also recommend trying out Boosterberg automation, which sponsors new posts for you according to pre-set rules. Just set it up once and you don’t have to worry about it anymore.

That’s all for today. Is there a topic you would like me to elaborate more on, or have I forgotten something? Let me know in the comments.

Summary of how to make a successful Instagram

  • Choose a catchy name and an attractive profile picture.
  • Make an attractive bio.
  • Be consistent and use a publishing schedule.
  • Use analytics tools such as Buffer, Hootsuite or Later.
  • Post photos that work on Instagram (the most popular photos are with predominantly blue).
  • Create Instagram Reels .
  • Choose relevant hashtags.
  • Use emoticons.
  • Write in your native language and the language of your followers.
  • Be active – follow others, like and comment.
  • Try to get power likes.
  • Never buy likes or followers.
  • Do meaningful contests and collaborate with companies/influencers.
  • Share other interesting accounts – reciprocity works.

Do you have any questions? Write to me at Instagram or lucie@lkmedia.cz

30-point checklist for a successful Instagram download

The article may give you the feeling that there is a lot on your plate. We understand! We’ve prepared a 30-point checklist in Google Docs and Excel for you to check off tasks in these areas:

  • User profile settings
  • Preparation of a publication plan
  • Before the first post
  • Check-list per post
  • Check-list of daily tasks
  • Check-list of weekly tasks
  • Check-list of monthly tasks.

Tip: If you want to become successful on TikTok, I recommend David Duca’s course on Kurzeo.cz

Frequently asked questions

What is Instagram

Instagram is a social network from Facebook that allows users to share photos and videos with others. It’s popular among the young and middle generation and has given rise to a field of influencers who promote themselves on Instagram for a living.

How to be successful on Instagram?

Success depends primarily on your originality, but by using
these 25 tips and tricks
you can help yourself significantly. They are based on our experience and are based on personal experience, recent studies and professional publications.

How to write a hashtag?

Windows: right Alt + X.
Mac: Option + 3.

How to delete Instagram?

Instagram can only be permanently deleted from your computer. On the page
to delete your account
log in and click Delete account permanently in the settings.

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Marketing25 Tips and Tricks for a Successful Instagram in 2023

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